Thursday, January 11, 2007

You're My Best Friend

To quote the classic Queen song, I say to TiVo "I'm happy, happy at home, you're my best friend".

Next to my husband, who will always be my first and foremost best friend and lover, TiVo is something with which I've developed a relationship. I can't always say it's a good one, we have our disputes. Just last week it recorded a whopping 04 seconds of Blade Runner. But when I can come down and count on a plethora of workouts from FitTV to start my day, that's when I tell TiVo, sing with me now, "You're my best friend".

For those wondering, that is how I exercise six days a week. Sure, I could join a gym, (well, the one gym that I don't even know the name of here in Pocatello), but that would require me getting up early to make it to a class. And for those who know me, know I am not a morning person. I could make use of the treadmill in the garage (which I intend to do...someday). But when the high here is 9 degrees, like it's going to be for the next few days, it's not exactly my workout of choice.

I also count on this trusted relationship to keep me up to date on all the reality TV out there. Yeah, it's pointless and absurd, but what other guilty pleasure to I have to look forward to almost everyday of the week?

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