Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Strike Three and Your Out!

Rough night last night. First of all, while watching our Tivoed copy of the Saturday Night Live Special that was on Sunday night, Tivo did not pick up the start of the Jazz game. (Strike One)

Secondly, while watching the Jazz game (already in progress), Tivo (which is having major issues, as Eris can attest to) made us choose between "Heroes" or "the game". (Strike Two)

My thought was "watch the game, we can always catch "Heroes" on the internet". But Mr. Meemoo, who is battling finals and papers to grade, says "I'm going to bed, I'd rather it get "Heroes" so we can watch it tomorrow. I can always read about the game".

Wow! That really did just come out of his mouth.

1 comment:

Eris said...

After the stink he put up about the game on Saturday he DID NOT actually say that?!?!

You know, we who live without tivo never have to live with these issues: we pick one show to record and that's the way it is and we like it (even when it's on a tape that's super old so everything has a ghost!).