Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Red Headed Step Child

I know, I know, there haven't been any pictures of the baby since he was born. My reasoning is simple...I need a new camera. As soon as that tax return check is in my hand (and don't ask why we didn't do direct deposit, our tax guy didn't assume we had the same bank account and didn't ask), I'm off to buy this. (unless anyone can offer any other suggestions).

Now, which retail establishment will get my patronage?


apyknowzitall said...

You butt!!!! I want that camera so bad!!!! Every store I go to I run to check out their version of the D40. I even have this real life size cut out picture they had in a mag floating around. The kids thought it was funny because I would pretend to take pictures of them with it.

Anyway, I don't know if the ads are the same in Idaho that they are here but someone had it on sale with one lens and a case for under $600. I don't think it was walmart... best buy maybe. If I'm out and about today I'll look around and see if I can't remember.

Muriel said...

I will not buy a camera at Walmart! I have only a select few items that I will buy there. I should save my rant about Walmart for another post. The prices are similar here. I have an aunt in Ogden who is a photographer and is getting ready to buy a D80, so she's going to check on a "package" deal if we buy them together. I'm so excited. Almost every picture I take with my 7 year old Fujifilm is blurry.

jeny said...

WOW...that is a sweet camera. I better see the nose hairs on that little boy;)