Friday, September 19, 2008


Since my husband has been gone all week, I've have fully caught up on all my tivo'd shows. Of course this doesn't count the 26 episodes of the original 90210 that I finally deleted because I was missing 5 from the first season and my OCD won't allow me to watch them out of order (and neither of our 3 video stores had them).

So imagine my delight when I stumbled upon this while channel surfing last night at midnight. I've already set it to record the next episodes.

And, yes, it's now in my T9.


The Numismatist said...

Guess I need to check if I get that station. Is she really Martha's daughter?

Muriel said...

She really is.

Eris said...


Unknown said...

I feel violated. You tricked me into reading your post by calling it MS3TK, then don't even mention that wonderful show, that series of series, that fabulous time-taker-upper... I demand an apology, or at least a mention! :)

Muriel said...

Nicole~You are right. I was going to make reference by saying my new show is reminiscent of MST3K, but wanted to see how many people would get the reference without it. Kudos to you. I knew we were of like minds. I sincerely and profusely apologize.