Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I wanted to get a picture before church, when everyone looked so cute, but with rushing out the door, the kids being trained to change out of their church clothes first thing when we get home, and a baby who had a blow out, it didn't happen. Here they are watching the "Sunday Movie" (Monster's Inc.) together.

How old is he? 35
Who eats more? He does.
Who is taller? He is
Who is smarter? He is, especially now, when I'm going through a "dumbening" phase.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you're in the bed than it's him.
Who pays the bills? I do, with "our" money.
Who mows the lawn? He does.
Who cooks dinner? I do, unless it's barbecuing, than it's him, most of the time.
Who has more siblings? He does. Youngest of ten.
What are his guilty pleasures?
"So You Think You Can Dance" (yes, he might divorce me for airing that in the open).
What are his hobbies? Disc Golf, video games, books.
What is your favorite thing about him? There are a ton of things I love about him. He is such a good person and is a workhorse in the yard. He works so hard to do well in school (whe he is in school). He gets excited to talk about his Thesis (even though I tune him out smile and nod sometimes). He is a great dad and loves to play UNO with the kids. He will always share his fries with me and will usually give me the best one. He will get caught up on TV shows with me. (We're currently watching "How I Met Your Mother Season 1).

I love you Matt! Happy Father's Day. Thanks for being such a great husband and Dad.


Eris said...

Dancing with the Stars?! Wow.

He can talk to me about his thesis anytime. I will be riveted.

Muriel said...

No, no, no, no. So You Think You Can Dance. There is a difference.

jenn w said...

That would be a huge difference!

You have the cutest kids ever and baby is so big. I love what a little clown Mitchell is!

Liz said...

Mee Moo, your kids are so cute! Three boys and a girl, just like me! Don't ya just love all the screaming?

sandi said...

Please don't delete any of the episodes of So you think you can dance. I have to watch them all when I am there!

By the way.... you made a mistake you don't pay the bills with his money, you pay the bills with both of your money. He just earns it!! :) ha ha!

Muriel said...

OK, I'll keep all the episodes from this week on. The first two were eliminated just last week. So you haven't missed too much of the good stuff.

Of course that is what I meant. I spend the money he earns.

The Numismatist said...

Thanks Sandi. I was afraid Eris and I were going to have to give her "the talk".

Muriel said...

OK, what I "really" meant was the money used to pay bills and such is "his", money used frivolously and for fun and buying stuff for me is "ours" :) Guess I need to be more specific Bob.

sandi said...

Well, what can I say...... That is what sister's are for! We can be blunt and still be loved!