Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Year of the Pokemon

Because of my disappointing afternoon (see previous post), I was really not looking forward to taking the kids Trick-or-Treating. But I ended up having a good time. It brought back some of the tradition that I knew should be there. The kids were excited about their costumes. I make their costumes every year that I can. Something about tradition for me. The pictures are from our Trunk-or-Treat the previous Friday night (which was everything a Halloween party should be and then some).

For those not yet introduced to the way of the Pokemon, I've included pics of the original characters so you can see who they are supposed to be.
a. is a Pokemon named Butterfree. I know it's not the most authentic, but she had her wings and that was all that mattered to her. Oh and she got to wear her purple snow boots.

M. was Ash, a Pokemon Trainer and owner of the Pokemon Pikachu who you can see in the green backpack. I was honestly surprised at how many kids actually recognized the character he was portraying. (I hope that says something for my costume making abilities.)

A. is an Pokemon named Riolu. He actually evolves into Lucario who is his favorite. But he says he chose this one because he's not as scary. (Lucario reminds me of a mean wolf, so I can see where he is coming from.) Because not every parent gets the opportunity to learn as much about Pokemon as I have, no one really knew who A. was supposed to be. One of my friends asked him if he was a bat-dog. Sure, whatever. It beats trying to explain it. He knew who he was and that's what mattered.


Eris said...

Your kids totally beat our costumes: Little Mr. Eris was a baseball player (translation, wore his little league uniform with a Brewers logo - not even a Red Sock!), Little Ms. Eris was Hannah Montana (translation, wore her clothes and a wig), and Littles Ms. Eris was a green monster (a costume her brother wore 2 years in a row).

You're the best mom ever.

jenn w said...

AWESOME POST! Love this. I love their poses and the little pics showing which characters they are. Little Addison is just so stinkin cute. Thats so great that you can do all this and be as far along as you are. Where do you get the energy? Oh yes...from phase II possibly?

Muriel said...

I'm thinking the energy came from a sugar high. You mean Halloween candy isn't on the "foods to enjoy" list?

sandi said...

I am always so impressed with the costumes that you make! I wish I was only half as a martha as you are!! They look so cute!

jenn w said...

(gasp!!!!) halloween candy Muriel??? Im so jealous....Only 2 more days of phase I. Yessss!