Monday, November 12, 2007

One Of Those Days...

With family coming next week for Thanksgiving, I have a list a mile long of things to do around the house. Of course, I've been putting most of it off until now, crunch time. Today was one of those days that I feel like I (and when I say "I", I mean "we" because Matt came home early and after his round of Tiger Woods on the PS2, he was very motivated) got so much accomplished. And, yes, I am one of those people that adds things to my list that I have already done just so I can cross them off, thus, making me feel more accomplished for the day. However, I did not do that with any of the following:

~Organized and labeled my Primary binder (as of Sunday I was released from the Nursery and made Primary Secretary)
~Bought and installed a new doorbell (I don't know why I put that one off, it took all of two minutes)
~Polished 20 year old silver dish (the chafing dish you gave me, mom). OK, that one did take longer than I anticipated, but it looks beautiful.
~Replaced toilet parts in basement bathroom (I have my hubby to thank for that)
~Fixed heater and fan in master bathroom (again, hubby. And who knew there was a light bulb in the fan in the ceiling?)
~Put down carpet remnant under washer and dryer (another hubby involvement)
~Finished one Christmas present (like anyone in my family will be surprised that I am making some gifts this year)

And this was all in addition to laundry (of which I only re-washed one load having just taken it out of the dryer) and dishes and basic household chores.

Only 13 more things on my list. Woo Hoo!


apyknowzitall said...

That's awesome that you got so much done. Truly inspiring, seriously! The only thing I really accomplished today was finally taking down all the Halloween stuff. I had every intention of putting up a few Thanksgiving things but it seems pointless now that the month is already almost half over. It's only because I organized my garage last month and it's already beginning to be a pit again and it all started with Joe taking down this bin of paperbacks of his and not putting it back. Grrrr! He has a seemingly endless stash of these fantasy books by Feist and Brooks and I swear they multiply. Just today I found 2 on the piano, 1 in the bathroom and 2 under one of our couches.

I've been itching to start my Christmas presents but I swore I wont start any until I finish this blanket I'm crocheting for Evie. I will never do one again, it takes so long. I have this theory I'll go into labor as soon as I finish it. Anyway, good luck on getting everything else done. My parents will be coming up for Christmas and I would like to have one time that my dad comes and doesn't feel the need to fix anything. Oh well, it keeps him happy.

jennycooks said...

Hi Muriel - thanks for checking out my blog. This post was a funny read for me, I too am one of those list-makers/crosser-offers and it sometimes rules many of my days! But ahhh, to see those tasked crossed of is so validating!

To answer your question we live in Blackfoot. I met April and Joe many years ago - the Webb's are family friends/aquaintances. I went to seminary with Nick, and have chit chatted with Jen in passing (love that girl she is a riot) and my husband also worked with Joe for a short time. I met April when we were in the good ol' singles branch together.

Nice to meet you. Your site is great, Your family is too cute, and congrats on the new baby coming!