Monday, May 19, 2008

Is It Just Me?

Tonight for Family Night we were minus one family member, Matt, who is attending a conference in Sun Valley (why didn't I go with him, again?). Since he was in charge of the activity, I decided to do something that he would have enjoyed. We went to the D.I.

All four kids and myself.

The kids were all getting along and being happy the entire afternoon so I thought this would be something I could handle. I even prepped them before we went in about how they needed to remember their manners and if they starting acting out we would leave, no questions asked. Well, it happened, they started fighting over a toy ("Hey! I had it first", "No, I had it first!"), and whining, and crying and complaining. I left my two items in the cart grabbed the baby's carrier and had to drag one out literally kicking and screaming "NO! NO! OWW! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" while the other two trailed behind in a chorus of "NO, NO, I DON'T WANT TO GO!" I think the people in the parking lot (who weren't in the store to witness the entire thing) seriously thought I was kidnapping these children. (Do I have masochist tattooed on my forehead?)

Now, this isn't the first time this has happened to me with one of my kids (Sandi can vouch for the time we were at Robert's in Idaho Falls), but all of them at the same time? I give myself some credit. I didn't yell at them (even after we got home). I did talk sternly for a second in the store, and then I didn't talk until we got home. Sometimes this is more effective when they think I'm never going to talk to them again.

Someone please tell me it's not just me and my parenting. I need to hear some of your horror stories to feel better about myself.

Maybe a good dose of watching "The Supernanny" would help. And I never watch that, but somehow my kids always seem more well-behaved when I see the kids she deals with.


Rachelle said...

OH Muriel! I can not even begin to tell you my experiences at stores with all of my boys! I often think that I am being video taped and will be hauled off to Jail.... Just think, one day "Your gonna miss this" (Maybe!)

Rachie said...

You are brave to go out with four kiddies! They are so cute, Muriel! You did good :)

kellie said...

I have so many of those stories I can't even remember them.

But the one I do remember didn't happen to me, it happened to my husband while I was out of town.

Gary took all four kids to the pool. They were getting hungry so he took them to the cafe inside the gym with their swimsuits on. He was getting everyone their food when he hears, "I"M PEEING! I'M PEEING!" Then Jack peed all over the floor because, you know, those swim diapers don't hold a thing. Jack is screaming standing in a puddle of pee, while Gary is holding a bunch of food trying to get the other kids settled. Everyone in the cafe probably stopped eating. Poor guy! He feed the kids, cleaned up the pee and Jack kept screaming for at least ten more minutes.

I felt bad for him, but only a little, because now he could feel my pain.

The Numismatist said...

I kept a tight grip on Eris and Athena, but that was a few years ago when spanking was allowed. I wasn't one to spare the rod.

My most memorable was probably dragging Athena out of Sacrament Meeting while she screamed loudly "Don't spank me Mommy! Please! Please". I'm sure I did. And I'm sure she deserved it!

apyknowzitall said...

I try to catch Supernanny once a month. It honestly saves my kids.

I'm sure you can imagine the many stories I have but the most memorable, and it's not really a tantrum story...

Back when I only had two kids and the other two were at their moms, I took the girls out to Taco Bell (I'm sure you can see already where this is going). After we went to Freddy's to do some shopping. All through the store, Miya was complaining of a stomach ache while Elise (then 18 months) was sitting happily in the cart. We get to the checkout line, get the groceries and just as I'm pulling away, Elise completely barfs 7 layer all over. As I'm standing there in shock (and barf) Miya blows. Yes the front end seemed to stop, yes it was all over the floor cart etc. I quickly pull Miya, Elise, the barf covered cart into the bathroom where Miya continues to blow, Elise is super happy still and I'm trying to clean everything off while thinking I'd better hurry to go clean up whatever Taco Bell they left on the floor.

After five minutes I go out there and everything is cleaned up. To this day I'm still sorry I didn't call to thank whoever did that nasty clean up job. Incidentally it was at the same Fred Meyer that Elise was hit by a car. Such a magical place...

sandi said...

Muriel~ I am so proud of you! I know for me sometimes it is hard to follow through with what I tell my kids I am going to do. And somehow it's not only a punishment for them but it is for me too, because I really want to be shopping or whatever at that time. My kids have had their fair share of fits at stores. One time Trenton sat in the middle of the toy aisle at Target kicking and screaming because I wouldn't buy him some toy and saying the all famous, " YOU NEVER BUY ME ANYTHING!" right..... whatever.

April~ Have you gone to that Fred Meyer since?

Eris said...

Oh, this is why I only shop after Mr. Eris gets home and I can go alone.

Once the Numismatist dragged Bubba out of Mervyn's by his foot - I remember that well.

Most of my problems with kids don't involve group tantrums but individual bad behavior. Things like "Where did you get that candy bar?" "No, you cannot have that and yes, I know I am the meanest mom in the world."

And my favorite: "Did you just spit on that?!" (Then we went to the register and asked for cleaning items and Little Ms. cleaned the mirrors, all while crying.)

The Numismatist said...

Eris, it is hard to believe that I would ever do anything like that. If I did, I'm sure he deserved it!

Apy, the barf story is priceless.

JennyW said...

Muriel, you're braver than I am. I don't take Lu shopping anymore unless I absolutely cannot avoid it. It always ends with her wriggling out of the safety belt on the shopping cart and practically splitting her head open as she tries to exit the cart altogether while my back is turned for .5 seconds. On Monday we (as in Nick, Lu, and I) went to Costco and someone decided it would be ok if she walked ... which meant whoever wasn't pushing the cart was chasing her the whole time. Banshee screaming commenced when I told her she needed to hold my hand. Like I said, you're brave. Very brave.

apyknowzitall said...

I go to the FM at least once a week although I did go on a five month hiatus after the Taco Bell and car accident respectively.

apyknowzitall said...

Jen I like your "someone decided it would be okay if she walked" I wonder who that was????

Numis I've never honestly enjoyed taco bell the same way since.

The Numismatist said...


Nor will I...