Wednesday, May 21, 2008

TTA ~ One Word

Saw this on my friend's blog. She got it here. I know it's Wednesday, I didn't get to it yesterday. I thought the whole Tuesday Tell All sounded interesting. I might start doing it. It guarantees something to blog about each week. However, I might do it every Tuesday or I might just do the weeks that I feel like it. So there.

Answer the following with only one word.

1. Where is your cell phone? ....................Hoody
2. Your significant other?.......................Tired
3. Your hair?....................................Ponytail
4. Your mother? .................................Jetblue
5. Your father?..................................Geezer
6. Your favorite thing?..........................Camera
7. Your dream last night?........................Weird
8. Your favorite drink...........................Diet
9. Your dream/goal?.............................Education
10. The room you're in?..........................Computer
11. Your children?.....................................Asleep
12. Your fear?............................................Money
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years...........Here
14. Where were you last night?...................Idol
15. What you're not?.............................Fit
16. Muffins......................................Poppyseed
17. One of your wish list items?.................Cell
18. Where you grew up?........................... Sandy
19. What you read last........................Cristo
20. What are you wearing?........................Jeans
21. Your TV?.....................................On
22. Your pets?...................................None
23. Your computer? ..............................Old
24. Your life?..................................Children
25. Your mood?...................................Frustrated
26. Missing someone?.............................Always
27. Your car?....................................Minivan
28. Something you're not wearing?................Belt
29. Favorite Store?..............................Non-Kids
30. Your summer?.................................Baseball
31. Like someone?................................Lots
32. Your favorite color?.........................Pink
33. Last time you laughed........................Neighbor's
34. Last time you cried?.........................Argument


Rachelle said...

Good Job for joining me! I think it is so fun and the ideas are great for journaling. I will be looking forward to your TTA's whatever day it might be.

apyknowzitall said...

I thought 19 said crisco. Is this a type the first thing that comes to your mind thing or do you actually sit and contemplate about it?

Muriel said...

I sat and contemplated it for a while as to how to best describe what I wanted to say in just one word. Cristo as in The Count of Monte Cristo. I guess it's possible that the last thing I read was the tub of shortening.