Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Shameless Plug

OK all, here he is again, my younger brother Jared (notice I didn't say "little" this time?). He made it into the "Top 10" on famecast.com with his song "Time". He had just one week to put up a new video and song. Here he is with "Dream", a song he had previously recorded and now got in his studio to create a new rendition.

Click on my title to go directly to his video where you can vote every day from now until November 27th to get him in to the "Top 5" where he will then compete live in Houston, Texas for a chance to win $10,000. Please tell everyone you know! Thanks for all your continued support!


sandi said...

how did you get the link on to your blog?

Muriel said...

The link on the title or the actual video?

sandi said...


sandi said...


Muriel said...

I e-mailed you the "html", it looks like a bunch of nothing, but if you copy and paste it in it will work.

sandi said...

I couldn't get it to work