Thursday, January 17, 2008

New Year, New Goals

Well, it's been a year since I started this blog with my first post about my New Year's Resolutions for this past year. I decided to take a minute and review those goals and see how I did and set some goals for this year.

  • Take time weekly (at least) for myself. I didn't do very well at this goal last year. My guitar still hangs on the wall and my scrapbooking has not gotten much further. I have read a lot though. So I guess that's something.

  • Run a 5K in the Fall. There is a great program called "Couch to 5K" that I started just before I got pregnant. I can't wait to resume that training in a few weeks.
  • Drink 72 oz. of water every day. I stopped during the last couple weeks of my pregnancy because I was sick of being in the bathroom every fifteen minutes. Since I've started again it has been heaven.

  • Be More Healthy and Active Together. We have been doing our part in keeping Little Caesar's in business as we have not been eating very well since right before the baby was born (who wants to cook when you're that large anyway?). I have started compiling a list of healthy snacks for my kids (and hubby!). I have got to bring them down from their holiday sugar high and find something besides white bread for my four year old carb addict to snack on. I'm trying to be creative here.
  • Read the Book of Mormon Together. At least tell all the stories with the pictures from the Gospel Art Kit for the ones who aren't able to read yet.

  • Read in the scriptures every day. I should do this while I'm nursing my baby, instead of watching TV. (What do they say about kids who eat in front of the television?)
  • Read the Ensign Every Month. Again something I could do while the little one is suckling.

  • Become self-sufficient. We've been relying on savings and student loans to supplement my husband's income. Hopefully this year, with him finishing his thesis and graduating, he will be able to find a job (that he likes) that will allow us to stay here in Pocatello (I know, we must be crazy, but we really do like it despite the snow, wind, ice and lack of snow plowing).

Watch for updates and additions as I think of them. But I thought I better get this up before I forget that I have goals. (I blame everything on the brain cells I lost while pregnant and the lack of sleep.)


apyknowzitall said...

Um, I believe the term is placenta brain.

Good goals. I was right on track early spring last year to train to run the half marathon around Thanksgiving but lo and behold I got preggers. Now I want to revisit that goal but figure I don't want to really go heavy on it until the blessed day comes I can get at least five hours of sleep straight a night.

Eris said...

Why all the focus on running? Is there a pack of wild dogs running loose in Pocatello that you have to get away from?

Loki needs to teach at Weber State. Pocatello is NO Ogden.

Oh, and let me know how that Book of Mormon ends - I hear it's got quite a twist.

Muriel said...

I keep thinking that maybe someday I'll be able to run away from my kids, either that or be the first one to Missouri.

I can only tell you this: Nephi was born of goodly parents. Of that I am sure of.

Kara said...

Great Goals Muriel. My one and only this year is put as much thought and action as I do to loosing weight and excercising into studying the gospel. Believe me I put alot all the time into the first. I'm still working on getting off the weight of 4 kids and my love for good food.

apyknowzitall said...

That's something that's been in the back of my mind for a couple of years now. Imagine how you'd be if you put just half of the effort into your spiritual life that you do in your physical.

jenn w said...

So have you been reading The Scriptures instead of watching tv? Mmm?

jenn w said...
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