Friday, July 11, 2008

Dad is great, He gives us chocolate cake!

Bill Cosby said it best, but this time it's Mom, and it's waffles and ice cream for dinner. Am I the coolest or what?

Don't worry Sandi, chocolate waffles and vanilla bean ice cream are planned for next week.


apyknowzitall said...

That is so funny. Thursday we had strawberry shortcake, home made ice cream, and peach pie for dinner. I love dinners like that

"Push it out, shove it out, waaay out!"

sandi said...

Jeffery come here! Come here Jeffery! jeffery, Jeffery, JEFFERY!!

Eris said...

"M-b-y l-b-ip is o-b-n the fl-b-oor!" (At least that's how I think it would look when transcribed.)

Andi said...

My ideal would be chocolate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But, then again, if I did that my body would probably revolt... moderation is a good thing.

And chocolate waffles and ice cream for dinner every once in awhile is a VERY good thing.

The Numismatist said...

I left a comment last night but it didn't show up. Or you deleted it.
I don't understand this dialect of English that you all speak. I don't think we're in Kansas anymore. (That's the best I can do...)

Muriel said...

I would never delete your comment. This is regional dialect specific to the Bill Cosby:Himself comedy routine. I remember my Dad rigging up a TV and VCR (with bungee cords, none of this built-in mumbo jumbo) at Lake Powell and the entire campground eventually drifted over to watch. It was quite the event.

Cydnee Gee said...

oh love the cosby reminiscing, here's my favorite:

"Pick your brains up off the floor, have you lost your mind?"


Liz said...

We love the "dad is great song" we sing it every time we have chocolate cake (with a few additions to the song the kids have made over the years). We love that Bill Cosby movie! It's so funny you put that up!

Liz said...

"You've just given a lizard."