We bribed the boys with Pokemon toys so that a) A. would sit on the stand during the entire Primary program (He didn't have to sing all the songs, he just had to stay up there). And b) Neither child was allowed to blow into the microphone after speaking their parts (which they both did during every practice).
I am happy to report that A. did stay on the stand (he tried to run down twice and then thought better of it) and there was no blowing in the microphone. Will wonders never cease? It's all about the Pokemon.
She is adorable!
Eris' Sis
You have a beautiful family, and congrats on the new little one. P.S. We like the Broncos over here too! (I checked out your other blog, if your wondering how I know all of this info about you) Now... who's cyberstalking who?
If your wondering, I am the one who deleted the previous post, I left out a few words 'cause of my super-speedy typing!
She is a cutie. Well, Natsha got me curious and I checked out your other blog and you do have a really good-looking family. That is exciting...a new baby boy!
I love the Little Ms. Meemoo! You gotta love a kid who can sleep anywhere.
She takes after her mother. Oh and Eris, only after she has her shoes on does she say "there, now I'm beautiful!".
She looks so cute. I can hear her saying Raegen is really really cute right now. I miss her. Guess I better check out your other blog too!
What? I swear I left a comment saying how adorible your daughter was. Why did you delete my comment??hmmm???
Oh my word she is so sweet. What a little angel!
What? I swear I left a comment saying how adorible your daughter was. Why did you delete my comment??hmmm???
um, okay..evidently i dont know how to leave comments, as per the above mess. sorry!
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