Tuesday, September 4, 2007

She Had to Go Bathroom

OK, I'm biting the bullet and finally starting the potty training process today. I've been putting it off for too long now, using every excuse in the book But now, I've got treats, I've got lots of juice, I've got "Hello Kitty" stickers and I've taped the chart up in the bathroom, I've set the timer for every 20 minutes to get her to try. I should feel prepared, but why does it feel like failure? Why do I feel ready to give up and it's only ten o'clock in the morning?! Why is it easier just to say "screw it" and put the diapers back on?

I seriously could any advice you might be able send my way. Thanks.


Eris said...

Did you take her shopping for her own panties that she loves so much she won't want to ruin them?

Also, we use Potty prizes. Something fancy that she can earn each time she uses... thank heaven for Dollar Tree!

Anonymous said...

Yes It does suck!! And I think if you weren't preg. then you would have a little more patience! Hang in there it will be worth it when you are done. You don't want to have 2 kids in diapers. Just ask Takako!!

Anonymous said...

well I am not anonymous. I am your sis!! I am going to try to get my own blog started too!

sandi said...

ok I got a blogger display name. now tell me how to get my own blog?

apyknowzitall said...

I don't know what you've tried so far but this is what I've done...

What I've done is get the gnarly cloth training pants and take them every hour. If they mess or whatever then don't make a big deal and get them some clean ones on. If it has been a total failure, just go back to square one and begin by doing diaper changes in the bathroom and offering her the chance to sit on it. Then start by always having her sit on the pot before tub time then every other day, add a new time to put her on the pot like after mealtimes or whatever.

apyknowzitall said...

I fergot. Since you are expecting, you may want to hold off intensive potty training until a few months after the babes here to give her the chance to adjust to not being the baby anymore.