Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Here We Go Again...

OK, we took a week long hiatus and are now trying a new tactic. She's wearing her "Hello Kitty" panties today (and I'm making her sit on a bathroom rug on the couch if she watches TV). Wish us luck!

Update: Well, we've gone through all the panties and it's not even 2:00 pm yet (off to buy more for another day). Maybe this isn't going to happen before the baby is born. I'm just getting frustrated and mad at her, which I know is not the right thing to do.


sandi said...

good luck!!

kellie said...

Don't feel bad. I have twin three year olds and I have tried and tried to potty train them. Anyway, after two different days of going through six pair of underwear each, I gave up. Now my solution to that is praying everyday that they will "want" to be potty trained. I have faith that someday, they will actually pee in the potty! Amen.
Yes...good luck and good luck for me too.

Muriel said...

Well, I don't know who said girls were easier to potty train. And I don't know why I thought she would do it quicker than my boys (they were both a few months over 3). So, going by that timetable I still have until February. I, too, will wait until she "wants" to do it herself.

sandi said...

hey if all else fails, remember you can use salt to soak up the pee. Just ask kellie.

Eris said...

Ooooh. Sorry you're having trouble there. Dory pooped in her panties today, so don't feel bad.

Kids. Why do we have them? Blargh!

Muriel said...

I can't believe D's even wearing panties. She's not even 2 yet! So not fair.

apyknowzitall said...

Instead of intensive pt, just start to have her sit on the pot every time you change her diaper. This process is very long but it's less stressfull on you.

Eris said...

Littlest Ms. Eris started training herself. I'm way too lazy to initiate anything like that.

Another tip: whenever she "goes" in her diaper, change her in the bathroom and then put any "contents" from the diaper in the toilet. They seem to pick up on the idea that this is where the "stuff" happens.

Man I love quotation marks!