Thursday, May 29, 2008

In the words of Alice Cooper...

School's Out For Summer!

I was walking to pick up Mitchell today, and from down the street I hear the Principal on the intercom:

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...HAPPY SUMMER!"

I started to get choked up during this count down.

Why? I ask.

Is it because my baby just finished 2nd grade?
Is it because another one of my babies will start Kindergarten in three short months?
Or is it because now I have to keep them all entertained this summer or all I will hear is "Can I play (insert your choice of video game here) again?"


Eris said...

It's that last one. Trust me.

cuz2u said...

Wait until they finish 4th grade it gets worse.

apyknowzitall said...

I forgot school gets out so early in Idaho. Mine don't get out until the 15th? I forgot. Thankfully it's after my quarter ends. You guys should get a Wii. I'm a big gamer anyway but it makes me feel a little better saying yes when they have to move around.

During the summer what I tend to do is have Library day, zoo day, park every day... something so we're all not just sitting around waiting for summer to get over. Look and see if there are any free Pocateller concerts in the park or other kid friendly stuff.

apyknowzitall said...

Or you guys can come up here so me, Jen, Liz, and Bonnie can fight over all of you (after you visit Sandi of course:)

Muriel said...

Sandi is coming here in three weeks. I would like to come and visit. Maybe next year. Our big trip this year is to Central California to visit the grandparents. Wish I could afford gas to go somewhere else.

I'm already working on a schedule for our summer activities. I just realized that I better wait and see what the boys' baseball schedule will be. That will keep us busy with 4 games a week between them.